While writing an article, I found this page from a BOTAŞ syposium paper dated October 1993. And tried to dig deeper for the origins of Turkmenistan-Turkey-Europe pipeline. Here is an excerpt from archieve :
"Power brokers in Ankara predict that Kazakhstan will become the Saudi Arabia of Central Asia, that Turkmenistan would overtake Iran in gas exports during the next century, and that Europe would be their main market. They want Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Co- operation Council (GCC) states to finance projects that should make these aims a reality.
Prominent among projects proposed to pass through Turkey is a twin pipeline system to export oil and gas from Kazakhstan to Europe. This is to be discussed in Ankara on July 15-19 by the energy ministers of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkey.
It is suggested that in the first phase a crude oil line would be built within"
Prominent among projects proposed to pass through Turkey is a twin pipeline system to export oil and gas from Kazakhstan to Europe. This is to be discussed in Ankara on July 15-19 by the energy ministers of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkey.
It is suggested that in the first phase a crude oil line would be built within"
Article date: July 20, 1992
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