Risks of Energy Efficiency Investments

2:22 PM Posted by Baris Sanli
An interesting piece to read.
"For one, promised energy savings might not materialize ... As the Alliance to Save Energy points out, states cannot even agree on how much energy is saved from a single compact fluorescent light bulb http://ase.org/content/article/detail/5976."

"The nation’s utilities increased their spending on energy efficiency by 43% in 2009, according to the Consortium for Energy Efficiency. In all, utilities spent $4.4 billion for electric energy efficiency and $930 million for natural gas programs. In addition, CEE found that 46 states offered energy efficiency programs last year, up from 37 states in 2008. http://www.cee1.org/files/2009CEEAnnualReport.pdf."

By Elisa Wood

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